Well that was two whole days full of nothing really.
The courier who is bringing my eBay doner body and neck, didn't pick up the body when they were expected to so everything fell a day behind , so that meant the body should arrive today......
However its 8pm at night , so theres not much chance it will turn up today, So much for next day couriers......
I now have my mirrored scratch plate , which is actually a little disappointing as its only clear plastic with silver foil on the other side, so as I'm bidding on a full chrome one on the bay I hope I don't have to use it.
Also I finally got a response from my many many many Music Radar posts and someone has a set of fender vintage noiseless pickups that I can buy . However I'm still waiting on hearing on if I can just buy the neck and Mid pickup. This is because the wife allotted the budget , and she's keeping an eye on me............
In other news , I was randomly given a squire telecaster today in pieces by my drummer as he's moving house and needs the space #Winning!# .
Hmmmmmmmm second project me thinks :-)