Thursday, 7 April 2011

Got some more bits ;-)

Just a quick one to say that I finally got my new blackish bridge today, which dropped in quite nicely and seems very good allround.

Also this afternoon I sortedout the machinehead holes in the headstock so that they're now ready to take 8mm machine heads ratherthsn the 6 it was previously . Aswell as this I got my bridge seymour duncan hotrail today .

Which means I'll wire up the hotrail and the killswitch tonight :)

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

I got a Neck!

So today the neck finally arrived.

Its nice as well , not to shabby for what I paid for it . Had a wee bit of trouble trying to get it all to align , but after a little bit of sanding everything is hunky dory now .

So I bolted it all together , did everything up just to have a look at it and I am impressed with my self .

Wasn't mad on the feel of the neck , so I have been sanding like mad to get rid of the cheap lacquer off it and I'm nearly there with it.

Still waiting for pickups to turn up and the new black bridge , but I guess thats life.....


Monday, 4 April 2011

and so it begins.......

Well today was a good day :-)

I got hold of my doner body though the post finally . Very nice guitar actually a 1999 fender squire strat I reckon . I immediately took it apart as I have a new neck coming and removed the scratchplate . Next the scatchplate was drilled to fit the kill switch and filed , the the body started its routing . However I only got half way as my drill is cheap and ran out of juice :-( .....

I changed the cover on the pickups , more just to get an idea of how it will look in the end , and I had a bettwe look at the new scratchplate which is alot better than I had first feared and will actually be fine for this build.

In other news I'm still waiting for the new neck to arrive and now I have secured the Fender vintage noiseless pickups, a seymour duncan hotrail pickup for the bridge and a new black bridge which should opefully just drop in.

So as you can see , a busy and expensive day...

and so it begins.......

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Hope and Waiting

Well that was two whole days full of nothing really.

The courier who is bringing my eBay doner body and neck, didn't pick up the body when they were expected to so everything fell a day behind , so that meant the body should arrive today......

However its 8pm at night , so theres not much chance it will turn up today, So much for next day couriers......

I now have my mirrored scratch plate , which is actually a little disappointing as its only clear plastic with silver foil on the other side, so as I'm bidding on a full chrome one on the bay I hope I don't have to use it.
Also I finally got a response from my many many many Music Radar posts and someone has a set of fender vintage noiseless pickups that I can buy . However I'm still waiting on hearing on if I can just buy the neck and Mid pickup. This is because the wife allotted the budget , and she's keeping an eye on me............

In other news , I was randomly given a squire telecaster today in pieces by my drummer as he's moving house and needs the space #Winning!# .

Hmmmmmmmm second project me thinks :-)