- A Black and White Strat (Squire body , Fender neck i reckon from the eBay photo's) ,
- Mirror pick guard,
- Chrome telecaster style control knobs
- A 3 way toggle switch that Tom uses as a kill switch.
So far I have the Knobs and the Kill switch , with everything else still to come .
I know anyone who knows about Tom and his guitars will say " He uses a Floyd Rose!!!" .
Unfortunately my answer to that is Grrrrrrr eBay bastards ...
I was bidding on a Fernandes "The Function" that was near enough perfect for the build, however I was outbid by 2 Pounds with 2 seconds to go , and to reroute my body would cost 200quid at my local music shop or 70 if I sent it to london and that doesn't included postage or the fee's to set up the floyd rose . So because of the fact I'm a working stiff with a wife and kids ,it means I have had to let it go and just try to get everything else as accurate as I can.
Maybe the Gods of eBay will let me have a break next time , by making the pickups suddenly appear in my hands......
*Close's eyes really tight , clicks heals 3 times , and then knocks on wood*
Grrrrr , eBay bastards...
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